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Variable Recurring Payments: Economics and Pricing, and the Cost of Getting it Wrong

Variable Recurring Payments: Economics and Pricing, and the Cost of Getting it Wrong

There is rightly a growing interest in the potential of the OBIE’s Variable Recurring Payment (VRP) standard to stimulate competition in payments. VRP could allow open banking, with all its benefits, to provide new alternatives to direct debits and card continuous payment authorities for significant numbers of recurring and repeating payments. The first use case […]

How has COVID-19 affected the handyman industry?

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It’s Hands-Off For Handymen Post-Lockdown As restrictions finally begin to ease in the UK following months of lockdown, many of us will be looking forward to getting outdoors, getting a haircut and getting back to normal.  For countless home-owners, this new freedom will also offer a chance to welcome back their handyman to tackle the […]