BREAKING NEWS: Ordo launches Flexible Bill Payments. A new era for Utilities, Public Sector and beyond, in partnership with Eviden, Atos Group.

Ordo: Siemens’ newest payment solution

Ordo payment technology, embedded within Siemens’ Managed Credit solution, delivers a fair and affordable solution to the pre-payment energy market
Ordo lowers the cost of getting paid, makes it easier for customers to pay, and offers simple and secure solutions for business of all sizes. Ordo is an Open Banking payments platform for regular bill runs, eCommerce, point of sale, refund processing, and more, and is now helping energy companies and their customers seamlessly manage their utilities and payments

With smart metering becoming more ubiquitous, Siemens has produced the Managed Credit solution, together with CGI, utilising Ordo’s Open Banking capability

Using Ordo’s Request for Payment service, results in:

The central energy wallet concept developed by Siemens means an improved customer energy platform interface

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Image by Siemens, Managed Credit Solution with Ordo embedded
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Image credit: Siemens Managed Credit Solution with Ordo payment technology embedded

With Ordo, Siemens are able to offer their Managed Credit solution with commission-free payments

Bringing our payment platform and Open Banking expertise, together with that of IT and business consulting services firm CGI, making the Managed Credit solution even better, with commission free payments.

We are a pioneer of technological innovation, and with CGI’s near 6,000 consultants worldwide supporting energy retailers to transform operations, drive cost efficiencies and improve the customer experience, Ordo’s payment solutions are the perfect fit. Ordo’s solution, integrated into the Siemens product, allows energy suppliers to securely request payments from customers in real-time, via direct bank-to-bank transfer. This can significantly reduce payment and reconciliation fees on every transaction, generating significant savings for both supplier and customer.

How Ordo delivers its Request for Payment solution for Managed Credit

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Reduced costs

Siemens’ central energy Wallet removes the need for a costly IHD/PPPMID, whilst the single energy balance means fewer top ups, significantly reducing transaction fees for the energy supplier. With greater visibility of energy usage via smartphone or website and in-built top up alerts, customers can self-serve, reducing customer service costs.

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Better for customers

Managed Credit makes energy management accessible and user friendly for domestic and small business customers alike. It combines electricity and gas balance in one Central Wallet that can be accessed by a smart phone. Users can configure alerts and automate top ups to help with budgeting and ensure that self-disconnection is minimised.

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Easy integration

Ordo offers a range of Open Banking enabled services from no integration app and web functionality; and QuickBooks, Sage and Xero compa bility to full API integra on via simple APIs to suit every large enterprise.

“Ordo has meant we have been able to foster customer relations, supporting our customers when they need us by giving them a solution that’s easy and allows them to stay on top of their finances. We have been able to reduce the burden on our call centre staff working from home, often for the first time, and save costs which we can pass on to our customers”


Managed Credit is an excellent opportunity for energy suppliers to build upon their existing standard credit, direct debit and prepayment offers for domestic and small business customers alike.
The solution is highly scalable and can cover both large supplier estates as an alternative to smart prepayment, as well as providing an innovative approach to prepayment for challenger brands.

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Smartphone interface digitalises the IHD/PPMID

Making energy management easier for customers.

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Daily reads maintain wallet balance

With scheduled auto top up functions, protecting against self-disconnection.

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Powered by an innovative Central energy Wallet

Through which customers can top up electricity and gas as one payment.

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Leverages open banking capabilities

Providing comission-free payments, which generate significant savings for suppliers.


Compatible with DCC Adapters

Works with all existing mainstream DCC Adapters.

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Uses flexible and highly scalable cloud infrastructure

Particularly helpful for growing energy suppliers.

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Bank grade security

No card data is collected so no requirement for PCI-DSS compliance, relieving redulatory burden.

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For use with domestic and commercial customers

Suitable for domestic credit customers, prepayment customers and small businesses.

How is Ordo integrated
within Managed Credit?

Managed Credit, complete with commission free Ordo’s Open Banking instant payment capability, is integrated into existing systems to provide data on customer energy usage and daily energy reads to customers

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Daily energy readings to help maintain energy balance

The Managed Credit option, with Ordo integrated, takes daily reads from the customer’s smart meters to update a Central Wallet displayed on their smartphone, allowing for auto top ups and easy to manage payment balance, all at low cost to the supplier. This ensures customers are kept aware of their bills and energy credit, reduces their risk of self-disconnection and limits calls to energy call centres.

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Leveraging Ordo’s Open Banking capability means instant bank account to back account transfer, saving the 1% commission on every payment

The Ordo, Siemens and CGI collaboration means there can now be credit energy without the risk, and prepayment energy without the cost. Contact Ordo for how we can simply integrate our solutions into your systems today.