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Reducing stress… and Breathe!

When lockdown began in late March, the Office of National Statistics found that 50% of Britons felt high levels of anxiety. This number fell as lockdown progressed. You might assume that the percentage would fall even further as lockdown has eased, but the relaxation of restrictions has introduced a whole new set of issues that are causing levels of anxiety to rise again. Not only are people worried about their health and the economy, but now they also have to learn how to negotiate with the outside world under the new social interaction guidelines. Here are some tips to help alleviate the new pressure you might be feeling as restrictions change.

Allocate some time for yourself. Whether you’re working from home, keeping on top of your child’s school work, or commuting into the office, it can be difficult to find time for yourself and things can start to feel overwhelming. Carving out half an hour of your day for ‘me’ time can make a world of difference. This time can be spent doing whatever you find calming. Try practicing deep breathing or meditation, going on a short walk, taking a relaxing bath, or even kneading your anxiety away by making some bread. Whatever you choose to do, make this time non-negotiable and you’ll find it will become a little refuge from the day’s stresses.

Take a break from the news. We all want to stay up to date, but don’t overwhelm yourself with a constant stream of news and social media if you find it upsetting. Try limiting the time you listen to the news or spend on line to help reduce your anxiety.

Start keeping a journal. Sometimes the simple act of writing down what you’re worried about can alleviate anxiety.  Keeping a notebook of your thoughts during this time can help process your emotions, put things in perspective, reflect on personal gratitude, and be more self-aware. Journaling doesn’t mean setting aside large amounts of time or having to write a masterpiece.  Just 10 minutes a day can be beneficial and to start, and simply write whatever comes into your head, without overthinking or judging.   

Keep things simple. Restrictions are lifting and schools are opening, so you may begin feeling pressure to do more. Don’t be shy about keeping your life simple and structured if you feel anxious. Accept only the social invitations you really want to, confine your work to work hours, give yourself time to wind down at the end of the day, and keep a consistent bedtime. 

Take control of your finances. Even at the best of times, money tops a lot of people’s worry list. The trick here is to make sure you don’t turn into an ostrich. Choose a payment solution that allows you the flexibility and control you want, and that shows your bills and invoices, those due and those to come, in one place, so you can easily keep track of where you are – you’ll feel a whole lot better for it. 

Try Ordo for free today – it’s a useful secure and instant transfer payment solution for this complicated period. It saves you time and head space by linking to your accounts in Quickbooks, Sage or Xero, and saves you money because it’s so low cost – peace of mind to relish.