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Post-Pandemic Time Travel….the essential money transfer app to not leave home without

With pandemic restrictions tightening across Britain travel within and outside of the country may seem like a pipe dream, but it will return one day…it just might look a little different than it did pre-covid19. Make sure to pack your mask and your money transfer app, we’re taking a little trip to the future of travel in the covid19 era.  

Many people want to travel, but are discouraged due to the necessity to quarantine when they arrive at their destination or return home. One trend we saw appear during the summer were ‘air bridges’, special travel agreements between certain countries which mean travelers are not required to quarantine. For now, these agreements are only between countries that have covid19 under control, but this could change with the development of rapid and, more importantly, accurate testing to ensure that passengers only fly if they test negative for covid19. There has been talk of an air bridge between New York City and London if testing can be set up. An updated list of travel regulations for each country can be found on the International Air Transport Association website.

Once you get on the plane, you will notice some big differences in your flying experience. Are you someone who used to worry about crowded planes? Well, you won’t have to now. In order to adhere to social distancing guidelines, airlines are only filling planes to two-thirds capacity and leaving the middle seat free. If you’re used to getting a pillow on board and perusing the in-flight magazine, then you’ll be sorry to see them go. In order to reduce points of contact, airlines are cutting back on the extras that they normally give passengers. Additionally, for short haul flights, many airlines are no longer offering a trolley service in order to avoid close contact between flight attendants and passengers. 

Regulations between countries are in constant flux, so it is recommended by Lonely Planet that you avoid long term planning and instead arrange plans as soon as you see a window to do so. If all this talk of air travel is making you feel a little stressed, you’re not alone. It’s predicted that road trips within the country will gain popularity during the pandemic. Because of this, we could see a big uptick in tourism for the staycation. There could also be a focus on visiting the more remote areas of Britain and the world in order to avoid scenarios where social distancing is impossible. 

When travel once again becomes a possibility, take Ordo along with you. Ordo is the perfect travel companion because it is a money transfer app that allows you to request and keep up with your payments from your mobile phone. All you need is the phone number or email address of the person you are requesting money from. Whether you’re a small business on the go or taking a mini break with your household, Ordo will make requesting and receiving payments easy.