Ordo is now part of Neonomics, one of Europe’s most dynamic and well-positioned independent open banking providers!

Ordo heads to P20

We were at P20 yesterday along with representatives from across the financial ecosystem around the globe. We were there to brain storm everything from fraud and APP scams and cyber security -v- privacy to financial inclusion.

Our very own Nick Caplan was one of the companies giving their pitch:

Branding Nick pitching @ P20 03.10.19

And John Glen MP, Economic Secretary to the Treasury and City Minister, caught up with Craig and had a good discussion about Ordo and how it addresses the issues faced by consumers and businesses when making or receiving payments:

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Security and Financial inclusion are central to Ordo. People want to be able to pay when they choose, safe in the knowledge their money is going to the right place. And they want their money in and payments out to be instant, just like cash, so they can keep on top of their finances 24×7…Ordo does all of this, and more.

Read about what John Glen MP had to say about payments and cash, and all the benefits of Ordo.

We had a great day, thanks to all at P20; we’re looking forward to having a simple, swift and secure payments future again with Ordo!