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Open Banking Donations

Open Banking Donations

Giving 2.0: the impact of Open Banking donations

Simple, swift, and secure, Open Banking technology has revolutionised fundraising and charitable giving in recent years.

The rise of customised financial APIs makes it straightforward for charities to boost personal donations with instantly transferred account-to-account (A2A) payments, simultaneously reducing overhead costs.

Traditional methods, such as card payments or direct debits, take time to process and incur administration costs, potentially inherently fractioning the donation amount allocated to the cause and thus dissuading potential donors.

Innovations like Open Banking for donations, deliver donations immediately to charities, benefit those in need directly, and enable real-time donor updates on how those funds are being used.

When people make charitable donations, they need to know their contributions will make a difference – Open Banking fundraising is crucial in achieving that aim.

Understanding Open Banking Donations

Open Banking Donations is the term given to third-party solutions for processing financial contributions to charities, leveraging the latest payment innovation, designed to offer greater financial inclusion.

Ordo, alongside other innovative Open Banking providers, plays a crucial role in enabling seamless interactions between donors’ banks and charities, ensuring the secure sharing of sensitive financial information for charitable contributions.

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) make it easy for banks and customers to interact smoothly, ensuring the safe exchange of sensitive account details and confirming consent for charitable donations. This means donors don’t have to enter or store their financial information manually, greatly reducing the risk of it falling into the wrong hands. It’s all about protecting donors’ privacy and ensuring their peace of mind.

Once authorisation has been confirmed, fundraising with Open Banking creates new opportunities for charities to cultivate stronger relationships with donors.

Data insights enable charities to tailor appeals to donors’ giving patterns, encouraging recurring donations and fostering deeper connections to the cause.

Financial APIs also enhance transparency, providing donors with relevant updates on charity campaign objectives and demonstrating how funds are utilised.

Open Banking fundraising is transforming the relationship between charities and donors, making contributions more convenient, transparent, and secure, while also offering charities invaluable insights into donor behaviour.

innovation donations via Open Banking

The role of Open Banking in charity fundraising

Fundraising via Open Banking offers several key advantages over more traditional techniques for charity fundraising.

  • Improved donor journey: Open Banking donations enable simple, secure and transparent transactions, instantly linking their bank accounts to their chosen charities. Donations are likely to increase in frequency and value if they can be completed quickly online rather than by filling out a form.
  • Reduced transaction charges: Financial APIs lower transaction costs, maximising the value of each donor’s contribution to the cause they care about. Being seen to minimise administration costs is critical in a competitive charitable environment.
  • Personalisation: Open Banking fundraising platforms can analyse individual donation patterns to produce personalised giving plans and impact reports, increasing engagement and boosting revenues.
  • Real-time crisis response: Open Banking charity contributions are delivered directly to charities when needed most, and they can respond by showing donors transaction tracking to see how their contribution is being used.

Security and trust in Open Banking charity donations

Open Banking donations have already revolutionised the charity fundraising sector, but there are several challenges to consider to preserve confidence and trust. 

  • Information security: Open Banking fundraising requires sensitive financial data to be shared between organisations and online platforms. Robust security protocols are necessary to protect this information in transit and each stakeholder’s system, utilising multi-factor encryption and other techniques.
  • Access and authentication: Maintaining close control over access to financial data and verifying the identities of all parties is essential in ensuring that charitable donations reach their intended target.
  • Regulatory compliance: the future of Open Banking donations depends on strict adherence to relevant regulations, including GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation and PSD2 (Revised Payment Services Directive). Consumer confidence and trust in Open Banking donations are built on a clear commitment to protecting personal data in this way.
  • Transparency: financial APIs enable a clear communication channel between donors and charities, with visibility on campaign contributions, objectives and achievements.

The future of Open Banking in charitable contributions

Open Banking donations have already revolutionised the relationship between charities and their donors, strengthening connections, boosting donations and increasing transparency. It’s clear that they are poised to establish a new standard in charitable giving.

Ongoing product development in financial APIs promises further innovations and improvements in the years ahead:

Campaign reports: Open Banking APIs allow charities to deliver personalised data-driven insights into campaign outcomes, showing donors how their contributions have made a difference. Providing positive results will encourage recurring donations and increased incomes. 

Seamless donor journey: Open Banking fundraising enables simple, spontaneous and straightforward donor journeys on the go – a few button presses on a bespoke app linked to a bank account replaces time-consuming online forms filled with financial data.

Personalised giving: As Open Banking APIs develop, using AI-driven automation to reduce research costs, charities can maximise their returns on appeals with highly specific personalised giving plans for donors, building on spending patterns and responses to past campaigns.

Security and privacy: By utilising multi-factor encryption and sophisticated authentication tools, charities can encourage Open Banking donations by clearly complying with international regulatory guidelines.

Access and inclusivity: Open Banking transcends national borders, enabling cross-border support for international campaigns and minimising currency conversion costs.

Wrapping up

Open Banking donations are revolutionising charitable giving, providing a cost-effective, swifter, and more secure approach. This innovation significantly increases transparency, efficiency, personalisation, and collaboration within the Charity sector.

Additionally, the fairness of this payment method compared to traditional cards and other methods serves as an incentive for donations.

Looking ahead, as we continue to leverage fintech innovations and adapt to the evolving digital financial landscape, we anticipate ongoing radical improvements in Open Banking fundraising. These advancements promise to deliver meaningful outcomes and drive positive changes in society.