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The Clapping ceased, but can the caring continue?

At 8pm on Thursday, the 26th of March, across the country people ventured out onto their doorsteps, stood on their balconies, or leaned out their windows and began clapping. What began as a few tentative claps, evolved into a boisterous and uplifting applause as people showed their appreciation for the NHS carers and other essential workers who laboured through lockdown. During those early days of the crisis, it seemed we all rediscovered compassion for others. People checked in on sheltering neighbours and volunteered to help the NHS in record numbers. As we emerge from lockdown and attempt to return to normality, the question now is whether the kindness and consideration we felt during the Covid-19 lockdown will endure.

There are many little things you can do to make the world a kinder place. You’ll get the added bonus of feeling good too because studies have shown that helping others not only cheers other people up, but also improves our own feelings of well-being. 

Write a letter to someone who has had a positive impact on you. Is there someone who has made a difference in your life who you have never told? Now might be the perfect time to send a card to your favourite secondary school teacher, that old friend you lost touch with, or a colleague who always brightened your day with a friendly smile. 

Be courteous. Especially now, when our smiles are covered by masks, you can’t overestimate the importance of being courteous. Simple acts like holding the door for someone, saying please and thank you, and moving aside to let someone pass on a narrow pavement can have an immediate positive effect.

Donate to your local foodbank. Foodbanks have experienced a huge increase in demand during the Covid-19 crisis. If you can, make a monetary donation or contact a foodbank to find out what foods they urgently need and pick up those supplies on your next shop. 

Compliment a stranger. We’re all used to keeping to ourselves as we do our shopping or sit on public transport, but we shouldn’t be afraid to connect with others every now and then. If someone does something nice that you appreciate or has an amazing sense of style, why not let them know? You’ll make them smile and you’ll feel good too.

Buy groceries for someone unable to do their own shopping. Not only is shopping for a vulnerable neighbour a caring thing to do, but it can also help you get to know your neighbour and provide some well needed social contact for someone who might not have the opportunity to interact with many people. 

Use contactless methods of payment. Along with washing your hand, going contactless is one of the easiest things you can do to be kinder during the pandemic. Viruses and bacteria are hardy and can survive on many surfaces for approximately 48 hours, so by going contactless we can stop the possible spread of pathogens on cash.   

Ordo is the perfect payment solution for these times. Try Ordo for free today – it’s simple to use, fast, and entirely contactless. To make and receive payments, the only thing you touch is your own phone or computer.

Photo by Rick Findler/Shutterstock (10594934d)